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Apr 11, 20243 min read
The Hardest Goodbye
It has been very rainy, gray and overcast the last few days. Yesterday was an especially dreary kind of day that made me think, “Someone...

Jul 1, 20232 min read
Cobb is ALWAYS Full of Surprises
Because Cobb has no bladder control (retention) or bowel control (incontinence), despite being on a great bowel program, he will...

Aug 31, 20222 min read
This Is Embarrassing!
Many years ago, we got our sweet Daisy. She was born in August, and we got her in December. My daughter specifically remembers the date...

Aug 27, 20221 min read
Mornings With Cobb
Good morning from our back deck! There are no homes behind us, just woods. Each day, we enjoy our own private morning concert of hawks,...

Aug 23, 20223 min read
The Most Amazing Thing Happened
I’m not really sure how I ended up in that meadow, but there I was. I opened my eyes and found myself laying in a beautiful green meadow,...

Jul 20, 20221 min read
Just How Old Is Cobb?
When Cobb was first found in 2017, vets “guesstimated” his age to be around a year or so old. They did this by looking at several things,...

Jul 5, 20222 min read
Cobb Meets a Follower
In case you didn’t know, I am not just Cobb’s Mama. I am also Cobb’s business manager, strategist and marketer. I’m incredibly proud of...

Jun 20, 20222 min read
Why All My Shirts Have Holes
We learned early on that Cobb has some insecurity where his balance is concerned, and for good reason. When you pick him up, it must be...

May 4, 20222 min read
Cobb Answers a Casting Call
Every once in a while, friends will see casting calls requesting certain breeds of dog, specific characteristics or other attributes and...

Apr 14, 20223 min read
A Tinkle in Time...
Earlier this week, I dutifully withheld Cobb’s breakfast by whisking him off to another room while the girls ate. When they were done and...

Jan 11, 20224 min read
Let's Talk About Cobb's Injury in More Detail...
Once upon a time, there was some confusion expressed about Cobb’s paralysis. I hope this puts that confusion to rest. The word...

Jul 25, 20213 min read
The Angel Who Sent Us Cobb
Before Cobb came along, our pack was Misty, Daisy and Lily. Before we had Daisy and Lily, Misty had been our only dog for eight years. As...

Apr 23, 20215 min read
Who Rescued Who?
I wish I could explain the magnetic pull that Cobb had on my heart the day I saw his story posted on the rescue page. To tell you this...

Apr 13, 20214 min read
Cobb’s Identity Crisis: Schnauzer or Havanese?
Everyone in the world knew that Cobb was a miniature schnauzer. After all, it was Schnauzer Love Rescue that saved Cobb from euthanasia...

Apr 13, 20214 min read
Cobb’s Purpose
My husband, Paul and I were not intending to adopt a third dog. After Misty, our oldest miniature schnauzer passed away, we decided that...
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